


= 終了 = - Re: キンシですよ〜!!No.184
25 Rachelさん   ( ICQ=100482853メール、 )   06/16 (火) 03:07   UID:[ 3305@CR1Dw+Re ]

The National Gallery http://freefromsquad.com/online-viagra-pfizer-ft9c generic medicine viagra in uk McKinsey Quarterly notes that the rise of preventable chronic conditions contributes significantly to the growth of health care costs. Over two-thirds of all American adults are obese or overweight, and excess weight increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and other illnesses. Medical costs are directly proportional to body mass index, the leading indicator of obesity. One study found that, in the United States, every point of BMI above 30 is associated with about an 8 percent increase in a person's annual health care expenses. This means that helping people manage their weight can improve both our fiscal health and our physical health.

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