


= 終了 = - Re: もうやめれないっす(笑)No.195
22 Quentinさん   ( ICQ=296866500メールホームページ )   05/13 (水) 22:07   UID:[ 3298@CR1Dw+HS ]

I'm a partner in https://drugmart.lk/prescriptionpadin-vbkp prescriptionpad.in “You might be better off if they have the ball a long time. With longer drives, there’s more chances for turnovers, there’s more possibilities of making them have to do more third downs. So, if you come out of it and they got it 30 minutes you might have played better,” MacIntyre said. “I’m being serious because then they’d have to put drives together and there’d more times they might turn the ball over. They’ll have more third downs. That’s more long down situations where you can kind of go after them.”

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