


= 終了 = - Re: いきなりベロチュウかよ…No.196
31 Thomasさん   ( ICQ=142528254メールホームページ )   06/11 (火) 12:01   UID:[ 3286@icSZ6OSc ]

I'll send you a text http://ghettotube.in.net/ gettotube It's pretty obvious what the answer is to all of those questions, and it's a one-word answer: money. Had these performers not been given massive sums for the private shows, they likely would not have gone. Perhaps the cash prize is so big they don't really want to know where it's coming from. Certainly, they were hoping the rest of us wouldn't know. Lopez's behavior is appalling, but inconsequential – since, fortunately, she is not a "role model."

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