

= 終了 = - Re: おいおいおいおいッッ!No.191
8 Demetriusさん   ( ICQ=323642255メールホームページ )   09/25 (金) 20:12   UID:[ 3331@CR1Dw+Ly ]

How much will it cost to send this letter to ? <a href="http://somalilandjobscenter.com/1stpharmacom-rfkl">24-7pressrelease.com</a> Opposition activists cited death tolls ranging from about 500 to, by one account, some 1,300 after shells and rockets fell around 3 a.m. (0000 GMT) on Wednesday. In 1988, 3,000 to 5,000 Iraqi Kurds were gassed by Saddam Hussein's forces at Halabja.

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