

= 終了 = - Re: パクパクさせて誘ってくんの(笑)No.193
18 Tysonさん   ( ICQ=846919309メールホームページ )   08/15 (土) 23:07   UID:[ 3318@CR1Dw+If ]

Which team do you support? https://www.protein.mu/amitriptyline-25-mg-weight-loss-4v9m amitriptyline 25 mg weight loss “… PCE price index, the Fed’s preferred gauge,” hardly reflects the out of pocket costs to the typical consumer. Real inflation seems to be more in the 3-5% region. Some services, medical costs, gasoline, they all are increases at a rate greater than 5%/annum. So what is that number the Fed publishes ? Sounds like PR to me that is supposed to fool the public that costs are being contained. It always reminds me of all the merchants who price things at $3.99, trying to fool people that the cost is in the $3 region, not the actual $4.

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